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A Jewel in the Landscape —--Beverley Waller and Elaine Coles

An exhibition alive with glorious colour - Beverley Waller’s evocative sea and landscapes, rich in texture and shimmering iridescence, alongside Elaine Cole’s gorgeous silver jewellery and vibrant ceramics dripping with gold.

Beverley Waller and Elaine Coles, two long standing Resident Fountain Gallery Members, are joining together this year in a combined exhibition of paintings by Beverley and Ceramics and silver work by Elaine - an exhibition which promises to be a feast for the eyes!!!

In this new collection of paintings and drawings Beverley revels in exploring the endless possibilities of painting sea, land and riverscapes. Her imagery encapsulates her emotional response to the changing moods of sea, land, river and sky. Her starting point can be sketch, photo or memory however the vital part of the creative process is allowing herself to ‘listen’ and ‘see’ where the painting needs to develop. The combination of mixed media texture with vivid and iridescent colour make the paintings come alive, they even respond to different lighting conditions. Inspiration for this new work has been drawn from the tranquillity of a riverside to her native Scotland (from the Highlands and Islands to the shorelines of the North East) .

This work, unfortunately, will be the last of Elaine’s ceramics as she has had to give up throwing pots due to a back problem - she was devastated last year at having to sell her kiln, however, not to be deterred, she has taken up silver work which is a very hands on process and uses her creative juices in this different medium. She uses both sterling silver sheet, with hammered and rolling mill textures or Precious Metal Clay sometimes combining the two. Texture and layering being the main focus in her work. She has also introduced a process called Keum Boo a Korean technique for incorporating gold into some of her pieces. Learning all the time her pieces are ever evolving.

June 8

3 Mediums —- Nataliya Zozulya, Viktoria Veil & Ben Nicolas

July 6

Southbank Printmakers