Jennie Ing

Jennie is driven by an interest in architecture, as well as the patterns, repetition and colours found in the urban environment.

She works in relief print, using the reduction method to achieve her layers of bold colour. This involves printing each colour separately, with the successive cutting away of areas from the surface of a flat block of lino, inking the remaining area and printing from this onto paper, continuing until the finished print is achieved. All of this is done by hand with the printing taken place on a Victorian Albion press. With the reduction block there is no going back and the whole edition must be finished at the same time.

She trained in printmaking at Croydon College and Wimbledon School of Art.

She exhibits with various printmaking and artist groups, at art fairs and in galleries. Her work can be found in corporate collections in the UK and private collections in both the UK and abroad.

John Lewis sell a selection of Jennie's prints, and Blue Island Press publish a range of her cards which can be found in Paperchase and other stores.


Anouschka Hutton


Barbara Mansi