Jim Woodman

Jim Woodman is a full-time painter whose work is noted for its use of strong, vibrant colours that imbue landscapes with warmth and intensity. His inspiration is the landscape, which he paints in oils and watercolours. His work celebrates the stark, moody beauty of the island of Skye and the North West Highlands of Scotland, and the cities of Edinburgh and London.

He is an elected member of the National Society of Painters, Sculptors and Printmakers and won the Aya Broughton Prize at the Society’s annual exhibition in November 2006 and was highly commended in 2014. He is vice president of the Richmond Art Society and a volunteer guide at the Royal Academy of Art, London.

His work has been selected for the annual exhibitions in London of both The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour and the Royal Watercolour Society, and images of his work have been published in ‘Acrylic Painting for Exceptional Colour’ by Lexi Sundell.

He exhibits with the Wey Gallery, Godalming, John Iddon Fine Art, Dandelion Designs on the Isle of Skye. The Torrance Gallery, Edinburgh and the Knock Gallery, Crathie on Deeside.


Sharon Withers


Nataliya Zozulya